Joining the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) as a Researcher and Consultant in July 2015 was for me an exciting step into a more immediate social science practice. Having developed a career in academic anthropology and museology over the previous decade, this was not an incremental step but something far more transformative. Transformative processes […]

This time the review began with a shorter social dreaming matrix

Facilitation: Valerie Brown and Mannie Sher

10 people were present, 6 dreams and 11 associations were made […]

We are delighted and excited to be issuing this call inviting contributions to our festival in October 2017.

Taking place over four days, Reimagining Human Relations in our Time, will be a multi-sited event taking place in the public domain. Its aims are:

To engage and expand research interest in the Tavistock Institute’s archive material that is being catalogued at the Wellcome Library.

To invite creative participation in our programme of work; our philosophical approach; applied methodologies and their potential in tackling current societal challenges.

To offer activities consistent with the Tavistock Institute’s history and practice that will support an improved understanding of wellbeing- in its individual, organisational and societal dimensions. […]

In this lunchtime talk, David Armstrong leads a conversational session based upon his recent paper ‘Psychoanalytic Study and the Ethical Imagination’. Over the past two or three years I have from time to time found myself looking back to the origins of the particular tradition of working and engaging with groups and organisations that has been […]

Part 2 Social Dreaming #5: Tuesday 28th February: Wellcome Collection Reading Room

Facilitation and write-up: Anne Benson and Rachel Kelly

The final matrix of this series. 22 people joined. A matrix of few dreams and many associations. The dreams were vivid and detailed […]