Joining the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) as a Researcher and Consultant in July 2015 was for me an exciting step into a more immediate social science practice. Having developed a career in academic anthropology and museology over the previous decade, this was not an incremental step but something far more transformative. Transformative processes […]

We are delighted and excited to be issuing this call inviting contributions to our festival in October 2017.

Taking place over four days, Reimagining Human Relations in our Time, will be a multi-sited event taking place in the public domain. Its aims are:

To engage and expand research interest in the Tavistock Institute’s archive material that is being catalogued at the Wellcome Library.

To invite creative participation in our programme of work; our philosophical approach; applied methodologies and their potential in tackling current societal challenges.

To offer activities consistent with the Tavistock Institute’s history and practice that will support an improved understanding of wellbeing- in its individual, organisational and societal dimensions. […]

In this lunchtime talk, David Armstrong leads a conversational session based upon his recent paper ‘Psychoanalytic Study and the Ethical Imagination’. Over the past two or three years I have from time to time found myself looking back to the origins of the particular tradition of working and engaging with groups and organisations that has been […]

Part 2 Social Dreaming #5: Tuesday 28th February: Wellcome Collection Reading Room

Facilitation and write-up: Anne Benson and Rachel Kelly

The final matrix of this series. 22 people joined. A matrix of few dreams and many associations. The dreams were vivid and detailed […]

Part 2 Social Dreaming #5: Tuesday 22nd February: Wellcome Collection Reading Room

Facilitation and write-up: Camilla Child and Sol Szekir-Papasavva

24 people came to the matrix and 22 stayed
27 dreams were presented and 24 associations made […]

Part 2 Social Dreaming #4: Tuesday 7th February: Wellcome Collection Reading Room

Facilitation and write-up: Coreene Archer and Heather Stradling

15 people attended and all stayed
10 dreams were presented and over 35 associations made. […]

When we visited the Tavistock Institute archive in 2013 it looked like it had seen better days. It consisted of box files pushed into cupboards. But all the documents were intact and are now gradually being catalogued, thanks to Juliet Scott and her team at the TIHR Archive Project, with support from the Wellcome Library […]

Dream illustration

Part 2 Social Dreaming #3: Tuesday 24th January: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write up: Eliat Aram and Matthew Gieve The third Social Dreaming event for 2017 had 17 dreamers, 12 of whom stayed until the end of the session 9 dreams were presented 45 associations were made The Matrix 9 Dreams told a […]

Dream illustration

Part 2 Social Dreaming #2: Thursday 19th January: Wellcome Collection Reading Room

Facilitation and write up: Elizabeth Cory-Pearce and Mannie Sher
The second Social Dreaming event for 2017 had

16 dreamers, 12 of whom stayed until the end of the session
11 dreams were presented
Forty four or so associations were made […]

Dream illustration

Part 2 Social Dreaming #1: Thursday 12th January: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write up: Valerie Brown and Juliet Scott The first Social Dreaming event for 2017 had 29 dreamers, 17 of whom stayed until the end of the session, Twelve dreams were presented, Forty four or so associations were made The Matrix The […]