Responding and Researching
What do we want to save? A tension between being a part of something and being apart. Is something being born, but the gestation is beyond what we are used to. 41 participants – about 28 female / 13 male 14 dreams 50 associations Themes: Invasion Sin and punishment Babies Death Noah’s Ark The Ferryman […]
During this matrix, everyone had their video off and were on mute unless they were speaking – an invitation to the unconscious. 46 participants – about 30 female/16 male 20 dreams 26 associations Themes: Boundaries – blurred and strict Fear and anger Overwhelm Authority – contradiction and ambiguity Sacrifice Ethics and justice What new world […]
This post by Karen Kiss, an archive student working with the Born Digital material, explores the Tavistock Institute’s archives on its annual Leicester conference, highlighting the importance of the reports and feedback written about the event and the ethical considerations linked to working with them. The archives blog has explored many of the fascinating documents […]
A symposium exploring the Tavistock Institute’s archive.
Join us for an exploratory day, including lunch, on 7 November, looking at the significance of the Tavistock Institute’s archive and the emerging practice of researching it. Continue reading →
Exploring responses to the Tavistock Institute’s Archive. A Tavistock Institute Annual Symposium On the 7th November 2019, we will host a one-day Symposium in central London exploring responses to the Tavistock Institute’s Archive. The Tavistock Institute has a heritage of participatory research and professional development work. It is in this spirit that we wish to hear […]
Niamh Bailey – Student in Fine Art: Sculpture at University of the Arts London To a student whose work is deeply rooted in ideas surrounding categorisation and dissociation, the archived files of a continuously self-aware organisation proved an engaging read. The following text is an amalgamation of personal reflections from working with The Tavistock Institute […]
My path to 70th Festival celebrations In a reflection on profession and belonging, Eva Worm takes us on a journey from her first encounter with the Tavistock Institute’s 70th Anniversary Festival ‘Reimagining Human Relations in our Time’ through to the launch of the Tavistock Community and its first Annual Gathering. I am 49 years old […]
By Antonio Sama Image credit (“Pesca del pescespada a Scilla” (1949) by Renato Guttuso) how the archive inspired a new relationship with my mentor. I was invited recently to contribute to a collective book in memory of my late mentor and friend Professor Giovanni Mastroianni, who died in August 2016. This was intended as a collection […]
Wellcome Library – Tavistock Institute Social Dreaming Matrix No. 4 28th November 2018, 2.00 – 3.30 Facilitators: Rachel Kelly and Tazi Smith The last of a series of four Social Dreaming Matrices held in the Reading Room at the Wellcome Library during November, where members of the public met together to reveal their dreams and […]
Wellcome Library – Tavistock Institute Social Dreaming Matrix No. 3 22nd November 2018, 7.00 – 8.30 13 people attended and 4 left during the matrix. 7 dreams presented 11 associations Hosts: Eliat Aram and Mannie Sher ‘Inside Out’: First dream introduced into the matrix is about being in Sierra Leone with a girlfriend who […]