Working to open up our ‘Born Digital’ archive. In autumn 2014, the Tavistock Institute established its paper archive at the Wellcome Library – 300 boxes of paper files, catalogued by a dedicated archivist and made available to the world in 2016. It holds a comprehensive record of the formation, establishment and development of the Tavistock Institute […]

SDM 8 April 2021 55 dreamers; 24 dreams; 43 associations Synthesis: themes Today’s dreams and associations are full of sticks and shoes. There are a lot of references to either aggression or (the absence of) sexuality: Stick as a weapon- starting forward with stick. Link to phallic function. Childhood sexuality- fetishisation. Shoes as fetish object- […]

43 dreamers  17 Dreams  29 Associations  THEMES  The official party line vs actual experience: Idea of not knowing who is going to be helpful and who isn’t- can we trust the lawyer?  People at health club aren’t listening… is it all just a game?  Dependence/distrust of technology: Can’t be without laptops and computers etc- information […]

Around 56 participants 17 dreams 27 associations but missed some Starts in silence D 1. I am preparing a feast for a large group. Vegetarian cooking. Trying new recipe Did not know what I am doing but did my best. People arrived too early for the feast. Confusing. Preparation was not correct. D 2. 40-50 […]

In November 2020 I began a Wellcome Trust funded archival project to catalogue the records of Harold Bridger (1909-2005). Bridger is most recognised as being a psychoanalyst, a founder of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and an organisational consultant. In working from home, I was introduced to the life, work and legacy of Bridger […]

On Thursday 7th November just before 10am, a group of us gathered at St. Luke’s Community Centre in Shoreditch, ready to begin an exploratory day that would delve deep into the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations’ (TIHR) archive. As the Tavistock Institute’s CEO Dr Eliat Aram stated in her opening speech, art has a way […]

This post by Karen Kiss, an archive student working with the Born Digital material, explores the Tavistock Institute’s archives on its annual Leicester conference, highlighting the importance of the reports and feedback written about the event and the ethical considerations linked to working with them. The archives blog has explored many of the fascinating documents […]

We are receiving best wishes and birthday messages from our friends around the world!

Here are just a few of them…

The stock of the Tavi Institute is 70 and we are celebrating its rich history with a true festive bang! ….

The 70th anniversary of the Tavistock Institute is a significant achievement that deserves all our admiration and attention. 

Congratulations on organizing yet another incredible festival.

We so wish that we could be there with all of you on this special occasion….