Dream illustration

It’s nearly six months since Friday 24th June when we kicked off the first series of Social Dreaming matrices in the Wellcome Library Reading Room. Brexit was unfolding, dreams were colourful and colourless, uncertainty prevailed. The questions we took in to these were on dreams and archival practice, on what happens in the recovery and relocation of an organisation’s archive and the relationship of this material to the world we live in now …

Held in the Wellcome Library, Reading Room on Wednesday 7th September 2016
Attended by facilitators from the Tavistock Institute; staff from the Wellcome Library and two participants who hadn’t attended any of the matrices but were interested to hear all about them …

Did you attend any of our social dreaming matrices over the past six weeks, or are you curious to see what we explored in the sessions? If so we invite you to attend a review session on Wednesday 7th September at 3pm in the Wellcome Collection Reading Room. (Please note the original time has changed, the event […]

Social Dreaming Matrix #6: Thursday 28 July 2016,  Wellcome Collection Reading Room  Facilitation and write-up: Elena Carter and Mannie Sher No. of people present: 44 + 2 onlookers + 1 baby; a number of people came and left over the course of the session. No. of Dreams: 20 No. of Associations: 57 **A review of this […]

social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrix #3: Thursday 7th July: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write up Camilla Child and Antonio Sama 12 dreams were presented 23 plus associations made 23 people were present in total. People joined late and left early and at the end there were 15 people remaining, including the facilitators of the matrix The matrix The […]

social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrix #2: Thursday 30 June, 2016, 2pm-3.15pm: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write-up: Elizabeth Cory-Pearce, Mannie Sher 25 people attended 13 dreams were presented to the matrix 20+ associations were made Several dreams were about being out of control, rising up or falling down. Because emotions seem to be out of control […]

social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrix #1: Friday 24th June, 2016, 2pm-3.15pm: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write-up: Juliet Scott, Mannie Sher An additional social context was offered for this matrix as it took place the morning after the UK’s referendum on leaving the European Union. Many participants came from the Wellcome Collection States of Mind exhibition. 32 people […]

social dreaming illustration

Tuesday 14th June, 9.15-10.30 Facilitation and write-up: Juliet Scott, Mannie Sher This is the write up of the first social dreaming matrix in the series set in the context of cataloguing the Tavistock Institute’s archive and what is happening in the world today. Albeit not open to the public, the purpose of this opening matrix […]

social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrices at the Wellcome Library Reading room – starting Friday 24th June

If dreams are in part the expression of our unconscious, can we work with the archive as the unconscious of organisational life? […]