social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrix #3: Thursday 7th July: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write up Camilla Child and Antonio Sama 12 dreams were presented 23 plus associations made 23 people were present in total. People joined late and left early and at the end there were 15 people remaining, including the facilitators of the matrix The matrix The […]

social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrix #2: Thursday 30 June, 2016, 2pm-3.15pm: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write-up: Elizabeth Cory-Pearce, Mannie Sher 25 people attended 13 dreams were presented to the matrix 20+ associations were made Several dreams were about being out of control, rising up or falling down. Because emotions seem to be out of control […]

social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrices at the Wellcome Library Reading room – starting Friday 24th June

If dreams are in part the expression of our unconscious, can we work with the archive as the unconscious of organisational life? […]

“Three hundred boxes?! That’s a lot isn’t it?”

Me: “Erm..yeah I guess so”

“How do you even start to make sense of all that stuff?”

I’ve been having a few conversations along these lines at the moment. The non-archivist I’m talking to will look puzzled as I say the key words: New job. Tavistock Institute. 300+ boxes. 2 years. Archive. Cataloguing […]