SDM 22/4/2021 39 Dreamers 13 dreams, 38 associations Hypothesis The matrix got in touch with an oscillation of despair and hope, the barrenness of the earth and its riches, men and women who cannot be fruitful, the only form of sex is masturbation. The genders are dangerous to each other. There were images of people […]

31 Dreamers 4 Hosts 14 Dreams 43 Associations Themes & Sense Making from 3 Vertices: Vertex 1: Vile/Vials/Violence/Vaccines A recurring image throughout the matrix was the perfume bottle and its shrinking to become something small and reminiscent of a vial. The delicacy and potency of glass also played a feature in an association of glass […]

SDM 8 April 2021 55 dreamers; 24 dreams; 43 associations Synthesis: themes Today’s dreams and associations are full of sticks and shoes. There are a lot of references to either aggression or (the absence of) sexuality: Stick as a weapon- starting forward with stick. Link to phallic function. Childhood sexuality- fetishisation. Shoes as fetish object- […]

43 dreamers  17 Dreams  29 Associations  THEMES  The official party line vs actual experience: Idea of not knowing who is going to be helpful and who isn’t- can we trust the lawyer?  People at health club aren’t listening… is it all just a game?  Dependence/distrust of technology: Can’t be without laptops and computers etc- information […]