social dreaming

Social Dreaming Matrix #5: Tuesday 19 July 2016,  Wellcome Collection Reading Room  Facilitatation and write up: Anne Benson and Rachel Kelly  13 dreams were presented  26 plus associations made  22 people were present in total. 3 people left early and at the end there were 19 people remaining, including the facilitators of the matrix.  The Matrix  […]

social dreaming

Social Dreaming Matrix #4: Thursday 14th July: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write up Matt Gieve and Pauline Meyer. 17 dreams presented 30 Associations made Over 30 people were present for some of the matrix with around 25 staying for the full duration including the facilitators. The matrix After an initial pause, four dreams were presented in […]

social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrix #3: Thursday 7th July: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write up Camilla Child and Antonio Sama 12 dreams were presented 23 plus associations made 23 people were present in total. People joined late and left early and at the end there were 15 people remaining, including the facilitators of the matrix The matrix The […]

Tavistock Archive

Alice White’s lunchtime talk focuses on what the Tavistock archive restores to our picture of resettlement by providing insight into the people, processes, challenges and opportunities behind the Civil Resettlement Units of the 1940s …

social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrix #2: Thursday 30 June, 2016, 2pm-3.15pm: Wellcome Collection Reading Room Facilitation and write-up: Elizabeth Cory-Pearce, Mannie Sher 25 people attended 13 dreams were presented to the matrix 20+ associations were made Several dreams were about being out of control, rising up or falling down. Because emotions seem to be out of control […]