Hosts and Notes: Rachel Kelly, Heather Stradling, Martha Mens, Susan Long 29 dreamers 6 dreams 51 associations Themes: Polarities and splits: life and death, heaven and hell, the frozen and the fire, war and freedom, the haves and have nots, dreams and reality. The Matrix felt heavy – as if the dark side of the split held […]

‘Snakes, Soldiers & Fairytales’ SDM- 29/04/2021 29 dreamers Themes The matrix felt light in a way Talk of gratitude- unusual in a matrix. Softening. Gratefulness for hearing voices on headphones- all in heart. Snakes, Soldiers & Fairytales – sounds like an exciting place to go and have a pint. But […]

31 Dreamers 4 Hosts 14 Dreams 43 Associations Themes & Sense Making from 3 Vertices: Vertex 1: Vile/Vials/Violence/Vaccines A recurring image throughout the matrix was the perfume bottle and its shrinking to become something small and reminiscent of a vial. The delicacy and potency of glass also played a feature in an association of glass […]

SDM 8 April 2021 55 dreamers; 24 dreams; 43 associations Synthesis: themes Today’s dreams and associations are full of sticks and shoes. There are a lot of references to either aggression or (the absence of) sexuality: Stick as a weapon- starting forward with stick. Link to phallic function. Childhood sexuality- fetishisation. Shoes as fetish object- […]

43 dreamers 17 Dreams 29 Associations THEMES The official party line vs actual experience: Idea of not knowing who is going to be helpful and who isn’t- can we trust the lawyer? People at health club aren’t listening… is it all just a game? Dependence/distrust of technology: Can’t be without laptops and computers etc- information […]

Around 56 participants 17 dreams 27 associations but missed some Starts in silence D 1. I am preparing a feast for a large group. Vegetarian cooking. Trying new recipe Did not know what I am doing but did my best. People arrived too early for the feast. Confusing. Preparation was not correct. D 2. 40-50 […]

64 attendees including hosts, facilitators. 9 dreams 64 associations What a matrix! It’s been 8 months since the last matrix in June last year – it feels like a continuation of the first one. This is the first matrix session of this series – acknowledged at the end – Spring and the anniversary of what […]

16th and final session of the series. This session was different to the previous ones as it included a 30-minute review of the whole series along with the dreaming matrix and review. 7 dreams – 26 associations 51 participants (incl 3 staff) Themes from the dream matrix and review There were themes to do with […]

41 attendees including hosts, facilitators. 13 dreams 44 associations Dream 1: In a parking lot ready to go camping along several people. A poor white family is across from him, rambling about his license plate. He was from a different place. Then he approaches them and people move out and son pulls a gun into him. He […]

34 people presents (3 host/ facilitators + 31 participants) 11 Dreams and 36 associations were presented Some themes: A longing for touch (but it is not allowed) (: inappropriate touching, colleagues in hotel room, sensational affair, an old friend visits in a dream, during SDM wanting to show sympathy for loss of other participants but […]