social dreaming illustration

Social Dreaming Matrices at the Wellcome Library Reading room – starting Friday 24th June

If dreams are in part the expression of our unconscious, can we work with the archive as the unconscious of organisational life? […]

notes by Eric Miller

As an advisory group member of the Archive Project, I was stimulated to think of my personal archive and how to make it available to the TIHR Archive process. After discovering some notes I had made in 1989 when I was part of a Board to which Eric Miller had been invited to consult …

    Lunchtime talk – On the Yoga Event at the Leicester Conference   To find out more and to listen to the full talk, click here.

Inspirational walk St Dunstans in the East

We all know the route we take every day to work; we know what corner to turn and what road to cross. We know what line to take and what change to make as we reluctantly descend the escalators where we cram onto a literal tube filled with people we don’t know yet hate even before we see their faces. However, maybe we didn’t know that our favourite pub to go for drinks with colleagues is actually the oldest pub in town […]

summer sunflowers

A response from Karen Izod, consultant, coaching practitioner, and professional partner of the Tavistock Institute.

I was fascinated to hear of these ‘object relations’ cards. I remember them well, they formed part of the selection process when I applied to do the clinical social work training at the Tavistock Clinic in 1983 which began what is now a long relationship with both the Clinic and the Institute. We had about 2 minutes per card to write an associative narrative to the shapes and shadows that we saw in them. The whole process took about 30 minutes […]

The single most significant development of my relationship with The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was the discovery of an area of psychological theory known as Object Relations. I don’t know when I first heard the term but it began to mean something for me when I attended a Group Relations Conference in Israel […]

I have just finished reading Paura Reverenza Terrore (that can be translated as Fear Reverence Terror). It is a book of “political iconography” (as the subtitle reads) by Carlo Ginzburg, an Italian historian of ideas.

The book is a collection of five essays published between 2001 and 2009 and for the first time offered to the Italian reader within one publication…

This article describes the current role of the Wellcome Trust in the Tavistock Institute Archive Project.

The partner organisation to the Tavistock Institute’s Archive Project is the Wellcome Trust, “an independent global charitable foundation dedicated to improving health, because good health makes life better”. The Trust provides annually £700 million to support bright minds in […]

“Three hundred boxes?! That’s a lot isn’t it?”

Me: “Erm..yeah I guess so”

“How do you even start to make sense of all that stuff?”

I’ve been having a few conversations along these lines at the moment. The non-archivist I’m talking to will look puzzled as I say the key words: New job. Tavistock Institute. 300+ boxes. 2 years. Archive. Cataloguing […]

TIHR Archive Project logo

Working on an organisation’s archive is not just a technical venture aiming at ordering and filing documents.

Working on an organisation’s archive is working on an organisation’s history, on an organisation’s identity and primary task and on how this has been shaped over time and space.

Working on an organisation’s archive is working with ideas, artefacts, people, memories of people, and strong or faded memories of communities…