Dream illustration

It’s nearly six months since Friday 24th June when we kicked off the first series of Social Dreaming matrices in the Wellcome Library Reading Room. Brexit was unfolding, dreams were colourful and colourless, uncertainty prevailed. The questions we took in to these were on dreams and archival practice, on what happens in the recovery and relocation of an organisation’s archive and the relationship of this material to the world we live in now …

Distraction surrounds us every day in work: from the ambient clatter and noise of the open plan office, to the ringing and beeping of phones, the flurry of emails, and chatter of colleagues. Today I’ve been thinking today about the nature of distraction at work, but particularly in archival work.

Cataloguing requires focus and attention, the careful sifting through of streams of data to try and make order out of chaos. I sit at my desk, my trolley of boxes beside me making a wall, a little archive cave of brown cardboard …

Only after I committed to writing the chapter did I remember that TIHR’s archives would be unavailable to me. I had been invited to contribute to a book about people the editors considered “great change thinkers”. I noted that Kurt Lewin, Eric Trist and Fred Emery were claimed already on an initial list of possibilities. I proposed successfully to lead on a chapter about Eric Miller, with colleague, Antonio Sama, leading on one about A. K. Rice …

Army officer selection board illustration

It has been virtually impossible over the past month to escape the fiercely contested American presidential campaigns. Newspapers, social media, and television have all been caught up in debating what makes a good leader. Donald Trump was chosen by the people – was he the right choice? …

Army officer selection board illustration

Using materials uncovered in the Tavistock archive, join us for a series of events to recreate war period psychology recruitment methods. Test your mettle through a combination of individual and group tests, including word association, thematic apperception, and some moustaches that Henry Wellcome himself would have been jealous of.

Wednesday 16 November 15.00-17.00
Thursday 24 November 19.00-21.00
Friday 2 December 19.00-21.00

In the Reading Room, Wellcome Collection …

anthropological archive letter

Wednesday 19th October, 1pm. by Dr Elizabeth Cory-Pearce, Dr Sadie King and Dr Mannie Sher We invite you to a lunchtime talk that will explore the proposition that an ‘anthropological thread’ runs through the history of our work as an organisation. Our starting point has been to delve into the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations’s archive at […]

Object Relations: an exhibition of still life prints, drawings and paintings by Juliet Scott
Helmsley Arts Centre, Yorkshire
Tuesday 4th October to Friday 28th October 2016

This exhibition in Helmsley Arts Centre, Yorkshire will be the first iteration of work emerging in my role as artist-in-residence of the Tavistock Institute’s archive project …

Held in the Wellcome Library, Reading Room on Wednesday 7th September 2016
Attended by facilitators from the Tavistock Institute; staff from the Wellcome Library and two participants who hadn’t attended any of the matrices but were interested to hear all about them …

Salt lake Tyrell

I have been thinking about salt a lot recently. Maybe a strange way to start a blog for the TIHR Archive Project but actually there are many connections between the qualities of salt and the archive.

As an artist I often have the opportunity to put together concepts that at first appear disconnected. Salt and archival practices are a reoccurring feature of Spectral Ecologies, a practice-based research project I am working on that focuses on the Mallee, a geographically and historically complex region of southern Australia. As part of the project, I visited Lake Tyrrell, a salt lake, where I spent time thinking about the relationship between salt and archives, realising that not only are salt and the archive both agents of preservation but they are equally agents of change and transformation…

Did you attend any of our social dreaming matrices over the past six weeks, or are you curious to see what we explored in the sessions? If so we invite you to attend a review session on Wednesday 7th September at 3pm in the Wellcome Collection Reading Room. (Please note the original time has changed, the event […]