51 participants 12 dreams Over 30 associations Main Themes: Search for common language, being connected. Yet the competition, fragmentation across borders. Who has the knowledge? who knows the truth? We were all in one, experiencing pandemia, the world in lockdown; as we move out of lockdown, social distancing shows its effect: isolation, differences, classes and […]

65 participants 15 dreams Dozens of associations Dream 1: A house under construction could see old brick walls. Could see cement on household. Space for windows there but not put in. Frames, just empty spaces. Could see the empty spaces but no one there. I was flying in the air looking at the spaces. Dream 2: […]

If we were to give the session a title it would be: Lemon Drop Soup to the Superhero
• 48 participants – about 34 female/ 14 male
• We lost count of dreams.. and associations..

If we didn’t know the context of the dreams, would we have been able to guess that they were dreamt during Covid-19 times? 59 participants – about 35 female/ 25 male 16 dreams 22 associations Themes: Going to unfamiliar places Beaches / Bitches Nature is nature Extinct Elm trees Felines: tiger, jaguar, kittens Lack of […]

What do we want to save?  A tension between being a part of something and being apart.  Is something being born, but the gestation is beyond what we are used to. 41 participants – about 28 female / 13 male 14 dreams 50 associations Themes: Invasion Sin and punishment Babies Death Noah’s Ark The Ferryman […]

During this matrix, everyone had their video off and were on mute unless they were speaking – an invitation to the unconscious. 46 participants – about 30 female/16 male 20 dreams 26 associations Themes: Boundaries – blurred and strict Fear and anger Overwhelm Authority – contradiction and ambiguity Sacrifice Ethics and justice What new world […]

Juliet Scott, Festival Director, Lead Curator of the TIHR archiving work and now Tavistockian announces the launch of the Festival ArchLive with a personal account of her own memories and experiences of the festival…

Notes from Festival Social Dreaming Matrices #4: Fri 20 Oct 2017 Friday 20th October 10.30-11.45, Wellcome Collection Reading Room Hosts: Tim Dartington and Debra Noumair Context:  There were 32 people joining the matrix this morning. There was some boundary issues with the announcement for the matrix being a little late and some participants reluctant to sit in the chairs […]

Notes from Festival Social Dreaming Matrices #3: Thurs 19 Oct 2017 Thursday 19th October 10.30-11.45, Wellcome Collection Reading Room Hosts: Tim Dartington and Mira Erlich- Ginor Context: There were about 30 participants with a 1 to 10 male female ratio mixed ages and a variety of accents of people from different countries. 9 dreams were offered to the matrix. Content: An […]

Notes from Festival Social Dreaming Matrices #2: Wed 18 Oct 2017 Wednesday 18th October 10.30-11.45, Wellcome Collection Reading Room Hosts: Franca Fubini and Matt Gieve(NB. We changed our designation from Facilitator to Host) Context: 25-30 participants present 19 were dreams presented Content: Several key themes emerged from the dreams and association of the second dreaming matrix. The matrix was […]