31 Dreamers 4 Hosts 14 Dreams 43 Associations Themes & Sense Making from 3 Vertices: Vertex 1: Vile/Vials/Violence/Vaccines A recurring image throughout the matrix was the perfume bottle and its shrinking to become something small and reminiscent of a vial. The delicacy and potency of glass also played a feature in an association of glass […]
SDM 8 April 2021 55 dreamers; 24 dreams; 43 associations Synthesis: themes Today’s dreams and associations are full of sticks and shoes. There are a lot of references to either aggression or (the absence of) sexuality: Stick as a weapon- starting forward with stick. Link to phallic function. Childhood sexuality- fetishisation. Shoes as fetish object- […]
43 dreamers 17 Dreams 29 Associations THEMES The official party line vs actual experience: Idea of not knowing who is going to be helpful and who isn’t- can we trust the lawyer? People at health club aren’t listening… is it all just a game? Dependence/distrust of technology: Can’t be without laptops and computers etc- information […]
Around 56 participants 17 dreams 27 associations but missed some Starts in silence D 1. I am preparing a feast for a large group. Vegetarian cooking. Trying new recipe Did not know what I am doing but did my best. People arrived too early for the feast. Confusing. Preparation was not correct. D 2. 40-50 […]
64 attendees including hosts, facilitators. 9 dreams 64 associations What a matrix! It’s been 8 months since the last matrix in June last year – it feels like a continuation of the first one. This is the first matrix session of this series – acknowledged at the end – Spring and the anniversary of what […]
In November 2020 I began a Wellcome Trust funded archival project to catalogue the records of Harold Bridger (1909-2005). Bridger is most recognised as being a psychoanalyst, a founder of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations and an organisational consultant. In working from home, I was introduced to the life, work and legacy of Bridger […]
16th and final session of the series. This session was different to the previous ones as it included a 30-minute review of the whole series along with the dreaming matrix and review. 7 dreams – 26 associations 51 participants (incl 3 staff) Themes from the dream matrix and review There were themes to do with […]
41 attendees including hosts, facilitators. 13 dreams 44 associations Dream 1: In a parking lot ready to go camping along several people. A poor white family is across from him, rambling about his license plate. He was from a different place. Then he approaches them and people move out and son pulls a gun into him. He […]
34 people presents (3 host/ facilitators + 31 participants) 11 Dreams and 36 associations were presented Some themes: A longing for touch (but it is not allowed) (: inappropriate touching, colleagues in hotel room, sensational affair, an old friend visits in a dream, during SDM wanting to show sympathy for loss of other participants but […]
The matrix started with 36 participants and finished with 33. # Dreams 14 # Associations 35 Dream 1 In Paris with family. French friend we meet in the street. “Where do want to go?” To the Luxembourg gardens. It is miles away. We started walking. looked like English country town. Came to a café. Black […]